Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008

Happy Easter to my babies.

The family.

Adorable little old man.

She was only that close long enough for me to take a picture.

Lily loved her chocolate bunny.

Pretty girl on her new trike.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Another comparison

Harrison, 7 months old!!!


See my teeth...

I was busy in another room when Harrison started fussing. I asked Lily to give him a toy and this is what I found...

Our community had an Easter egg hunt last weekend. Lily liked seeing the Easter bunny from a distance and she loved finding the Easter eggs.

Lily drinking milk...not soy milk...milk from a COW. She's also eaten pizza, macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese all at daycare. Hmm...maybe being allergic to dairy isn't so bad in terms of healthy food choices. ;)

Harrison's first wagon ride

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just a little something for ya...

To help motivate Lily to brush her teeth we started saying her teeth are so pretty and we need to keep them pretty by brushing them. This morning as I was brushing my teeth she said "Momma, you brushing your teeth so pretty."

Harrison has figured me out...not only does he babble "momma" but now he started putting his head on my shoulder. Awwww. My heart melts every time...even 12:30AM and 5:00AM this morning. At 5:00AM he was crying pretty hard and Randy already tried to comfort him but it didn't work. I went into his room and when he saw me he changed from crying to "momma" and after I picked him up he put his head on my shoulder. How can I resist that?

Harrison was content but awake after I fed him. I needed more sleep so I brought him into our bedroom. Before normal waking time Randy, Lily, Harrison and I cuddled and slept all together in our bed. Thank goodness we have a king bed.


My friend Kelly tagged me from her blog to do 7 random facts -

7 random facts:

1.) My first official job (besides years of babysitting) was at a greyhound racing track in North Sioux City, SD. I was 13. Before leading the dogs on the track and into the stall we had to walk them around these little fire hydrants so they would pee before their race. Well one decided my leg was a fire hydrant and peed on me. I had to work the entire night with a pee soaked sock and shoe. Yuck.

2.) My best friend, Mel, and I went to Washington D.C. our junior year in high school for a National Young Leader's Conference. I was the National Security Advisor in our role playing group. My first experience with politics.

3.) Most might know this but I'm still proud...I rode the tilt a whirl for 9 hours at Six Flags for a radio contest. Randy tried too but he was the first person off and was dizzy the rest of the day. Heehee.

4.) I participated in about everything possible in high school- volleyball, basketball, soccer, dance squad, cheer leading (football and basketball), student council, and drama (acted in one play). I think that's it.

5.) Even though I grew up in a small town (500 people) that was surrounded by farms...I have never tipped a cow.

6.) Someday...I would love to go to a third world country on a medical mission.

7.) I have 16 good friends that I talk with daily...that I've never met. Hi Andrea, Alana, Amie, Amelia, Asha, Ann, Becky, Dawn, Christina, Kelly, Heather, Frances, Jill, Josephine, Julie,and Michelle. We met on and all have babies within a month of each other.

Becky...I'm tagging're turn.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Conversation this morning...


Me--"Yeah...did you hear that Randy?" "Momma!!!!"

Lily said "dada" first so I needed this one.

Conversation this morning...

Lily--"Momma, what are you doing?"
Me--"I'm putting on make-up." as I was applying my foundation with a sponge.
Lily--"Do you want help?"
Me--"Sure." and I hand her the sponge.
Lily--dabbing the sponge on my face--"Close your eyes momma."

Girlie things come natural to her. I can't help it. Randy is in for it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Yesterday after work the weather was nice so we played outside. Lily had made bird feeders last weekend and they were hanging in the tree without a bird in sight. So...she began yelling "Birds, come eat my food." When they didn't hear her she told me to "say it louder." Finally when the birds still didn't come eat her food she decided we needed to walk 3 houses down to the bird nest in the neighbor's tree to tell those birds.

I'm sure the birds enjoyed their pine cone bird feeders in peace after the 2 year old stopped yelling at them.

Friday, March 07, 2008

More pictures...

Playtime gets serious...

Lily wanted to ride Max, the "horse", this morning...

Before his trip to the pediatrician (and shots)...

When baby is happy momma is happy...

The boys...

Ted teaching Lily about youtube videos (kid friendly of course) after he tried to recruit her to WOW.

Momma and her precious babies...

Not a green bean fan...

Harrison & Lily