My friend
Kelly tagged me from her blog to do 7 random facts -
7 random facts:1.) My first official job (besides years of babysitting) was at a greyhound racing track in North Sioux City, SD. I was 13. Before leading the dogs on the track and into the stall we had to walk them around these little fire hydrants so they would pee before their race. Well one decided my leg was a fire hydrant and peed on me. I had to work the entire night with a pee soaked sock and shoe. Yuck.
2.) My best friend, Mel, and I went to Washington D.C. our junior year in high school for a National Young Leader's Conference. I was the National Security Advisor in our role playing group. My first experience with politics.
3.) Most might know this but I'm still proud...I rode the tilt a whirl for 9 hours at Six Flags for a radio contest. Randy tried too but he was the first person off and was dizzy the rest of the day. Heehee.
4.) I participated in about everything possible in high school- volleyball, basketball, soccer, dance squad, cheer leading (football and basketball), student council, and drama (acted in one play). I think that's it.
5.) Even though I grew up in a small town (500 people) that was surrounded by farms...I have never tipped a cow.
6.) Someday...I would love to go to a third world country on a medical mission.
7.) I have 16 good friends that I talk with daily...that I've never met. Hi Andrea, Alana, Amie, Amelia, Asha, Ann, Becky, Dawn, Christina, Kelly, Heather, Frances, Jill, Josephine, Julie,and Michelle. We met on and all have babies within a month of each other.
Becky...I'm tagging're turn.