I was tagged by my friend Kelly a while ago. Oops, just getting around to it.
What I was doing 10 years ago: I was in college at the University of Iowa. I was living in an apartment with a friend and her boyfriend. She broke up with her boyfriend and he went C-R-A-Z-Y. For example, one morning she was eating breakfast and he set down a knife next to her bowl. I don't remember what he said but I did have to talk to her lawyer about stupid stuff I witnessed him do.
5 things on my to-do list today…1.) Get gift certificate for my daycare provider. She's like a 2nd mom to my kiddos, takes great care of them while Randy and I work and she's deserves a little pampering on Mother's Day too.
2.) Pump, of course
3.) Telephone conference to discuss changes to my work database. Fun.
4.) Contact realtor to go over house details. They are putting a sign in our yard today!
5.) Clean, in-laws coming tomorrow!
5 snacks I enjoy… 1.) Wheat thins, sundried tomato and basil
2.) 1/2 coffee, 1/2 milk with a splash of creamer
3.) Powerbar, whole grain toffee chocolate chip
4.) Fountain pop
5.) Goldfish.
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire1.) Buy a few houses (beach house, cabin, slope side condo, etc.) and let the whole family use them
2.) Buy my grandmas new cars
3.) Buy my mom a Jeep Grand Cherokee and a 2nd house in Iowa City
4.) Travel and take family with
5.) Pay off bills for family and friends.
5 bad habits… 1.) Biting my cuticles
2.) Take my socks off at night but leave them in bed. Randy finds them every morning. Funny thing...Lily does the same but I find them under my pillow.
3.) I talk while driving, mostly to bad drivers but I never throw them the finger.
4.) Blogging when I should be working.
5.) Scratching my throat by making a loud noise. Thanks to Kerry and Mel for teaching me, it's the best way ever to get rid of a scratchy throat!
5 places I’ve lived…
1.) Small town, South Dakota
2.) Iowa City, IA
3.) Superior, CO
4.) Lafayette, CO
5.) Thornton, CO...not for much longer
5 jobs I’ve had…
1.) Dog runner at a dog race track
2.) Babysitting from age 10ish-25ish
3.) Salon receptionist
4.) Orange Julius
5.) Dishwasher at Glass Palace (thanks to Aunt Julie for getting me the job)
TAG! Now YOU are it…