Thursday, May 01, 2008

Once a month blogging

Wow, it's been a while.

What would keep a person from blogging?

1.) Selling a house
***a.) Renting storage unit
***b.) Boxing stuff for storage
***c.) Delivering stuff to storage
***d.) Boxing stuff for donations
***e.) Delivering stuff for donations
***f.) "Phone interviewing" realtors
***g.) Shopping for house stuff for "staging"
***h.) Randy finished spare bathroom remodel
***i.) New concrete patio completed
***j.) Cleaning

2.) Assuming larger role at work due to boss leaving
***a.) Increase in meetings from 2 a month to 2 a day
***b.) Increase in number of emails from people wanting something
***c.) Increase in responsibilities to assume boss' duties without an increase in pay.

3.) Sick kids
***a.) Lily was puking and had a fever for 3 days and had diarrhea for a week.
***b.) Harrison had a fever and was fussy the past 2 nights (teeth, maybe?)

4.) Isn't that enough?

Harrison is now crawling. Video to be posted soon.

And yes, we are officially moving. There I said it. I wasn't going to yet (work stuff) but it's out there.


erbiegirl said...

yeah for crawling....sounds like everyone is on the move! hahahahah

Heather said...

hey there!

If you need help packing or someone to watch the little ones elsewhere for a few hours so you and Randy can get stuff done (or take a well-deserved break), let us know. We'd be happy to pitch in however we can. Hope everyone is feeling better very soon.

Anonymous said...

I second Heather's offer to babysit or otherwise help out. We could do a work day like we did for Staci. We're pretty free after May 15.