Sorry for the long absence. I didn't realize how many folks actually read my blog until they kindly reminded me that I haven't written in some time.
My family had a health scare with my mom. Now we know everything is going to be just fine but it's was really hard to hear that my mom was sick. She means so much to me and is truly an inspiration. I always knew she was a tough cookie but her positive reaction to everything thrown at her is amazing. Not sure where she got the strength but she has more than anyone. With blogging there are certain places to draw the line when writing. Most people that read this are family and friends and understand what has been happening lately. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. My family comes from a small town and there are many things to complain about with a small town but in this situation a small town is awesome. People pull together and really support each other. I know my mom's house is filled with cards and flowers and people call her all the time. What she doesn't know is how many people are thinking of her that she never met. From my coworkers, Randy's co workers, Lily's babysitter to our friends it really means a lot to have your support. Now go hug your loved ones and let them know how much they mean to you! :) LOVE YA MOM!
Lily Update:Lily is growing at a astronomical rate. In the past 2 weeks she has cut 2 teeth. Yes, if you read my post about 2 months ago we "thought" she had 2 teeth but we were wrong, very wrong. We're new parents, what do we know anyway? These teeth are definitely there and pretty sharp little boogers. She hasn't acted much differently with teething. Occasionally she won't eat much for a feeding or we will apply Oragel but that's about it.
Two weeks ago she had her first solid food experience. Not solid food as some people may think like apples or meat but solid food that is barely thicker than breast milk. She's been eating this yummy meal (yeah right, rice cereal isn't so yummy) once a day and plan to advance to twice a day soon. She's getting the hang of it and so are we. Again, Randy is the better feeder than myself. But last nights feeding didn't prove this. :) He fed her in her bouncy chair and the bouncing didn't help get food to the place it needed to be.
About a week ago she started rolling over from her back to her tummy. She has rolled tummy to back a few times but nothing that stuck. Now we put her on her back and in seconds she's flipped. It's a truly scary thought!
Lily went on her first airplane trip to Sioux Falls, SD. Randy was busy building a rocket (kind of funny that isn't a joke!) and doing home renovations so I was sole parent for a few days. I was pretty nervous about the plane ride and getting the car seat/stroller/baby through the airport without problems. After careful consideration I opted to leave the stroller at home and use my mom's once we arrived in SD. I baby bjorned her through the airport and it worked really good. A very nice man, in his 50's, sat next to us by choice. He actually should have been across the aisle. He just vacationed with his wife and teen son. He said he always wanted a "Lily" but it never happened. He helped keep her content by loaning his goldfish pretty colored packet for her to smash and drool on. To back up a little, as the plane was taking off she started to fuss pretty good. Not long but long enough for me to start sweating, imagining the whole 1.5 hours would be filled with unhappy baby and mom. But...she ate, then slept and woke up happy with about 30 minutes left. That's when she was entertained with the goldfish. The ride home was even better. Well, that's if I don't count the poop episode. As I was putting her in the bjorn I noticed a spot on the back of her outfit. I knew this spot represented poop that escaped the diaper but I hoped it was just a stain. As I took her out of the bjorn to go through security I found it wasn't a stain but a extremely full diaper that was bursting with liquid brownish poop. Sorry for the details but I need you to really understand what happened. :) The security lady yelled for some napkins which I kindly declined, put on my shoes and grabbed the diaper bag while hustling to the bathroom while my pants were about to fall down. In case you wanted to know I couldn't put on my belt since one hand touched the poo and the other was holding the poo soaked infant. Anyhow, Lily was excellent on the return home flight, slept all but the last 15 minutes then was occupied with the bratty kids in the seat ahead that were beating up on each other and squealing, which was what woke her up to begin with. :)