Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

I had a wonderful Mother's Day. My darling husband woke up with both kids and let me sleep in while they made breakfast. They bought me breakfast in bed which became breakfast on the bedroom floor to avoid huge messes with kids. We hung out around the house and played before heading to a Fossil preserve about 5 minutes from our house. We "hiked" around the fossil preserve for a while before finding a playground for a picnic lunch. Lily did excellent when hiking and was independent with rock climbing compared to her little bro. This kid threw himself off a rock and was caught mid-air by his attentive father. Nice reflexes Randy.

Lily was very aware of Mother's Day and how it is a special day for moms. But every once in a while she'd wish me a "Happy Valentine's Day" which was pretty cute. The kids also gave me home made cards which will be kept forever.

Randy-props to you! He also bought me a wonderful card and helped give me a relaxing and fun day. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

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