Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Life with a boy

There isn't a whole lot to add that isn't communicated in the video below. But I will say that raising a boy is MUCH different from raising a girl. Not just any girl, but Lily, who is one of the girliest girls around. Yesterday she commented "I don't like trains or fire trucks, I like princesses and ponies." Harrison, on the other hand, loves trains and fire trucks so much that we drive by both modes of transportation daily after pick up from daycare. Not only does he love "boy things" per Lily but he is WILD. Not wild in an out-of-control way (although that is debatable at times) but this kid has no fear. He falls, hits his head and keeps going. Occasionally he'll come to me for comfort but it's short lived before he doing the exact same thing that previously caused 10 seconds of tears. He's our crazy little man.


Renee said...

He and Henry would be as thick as theives...I'm glad to know that Henry is not the only 2-year-old thrill seeker. William was not like this at all, so it has been a surprise to have a kid who seeks out pain.

erbiegirl said...

you should send this to Ellen DeGeneres - she would LOVE this!