Friday, May 14, 2010

In an effort to maintain sanity some friends and I have started a monthly get together. We drink wine, eat yummy food and discuss...cough cough...books. Yeah, I'm probably not fooling anyone but saying "book club" sort of sounds dorky. And my friends and I are far from dorky. :). We have read a couple great books and a couple good books. I always like recommendations so I thought I'd share them:

must read:
The Help (you can shut your computer down right now and go buy it NOW.)

should read:
The Other Boleyn Girl (never ever see the movie if you read the book first)
The Reliable Wife (not much to say but it's good)
Guernsey Potato Peel Pie something or other (makes me want to visit Guernsey but the thought of a potato peel pie makes me a bit sick or maybe all this blogging while driving is causing that)

Read if you want to be sad and depressed:
Sarah's Key (good book but you've been warned)

Not from the cool girl club but also recommended:
The Alchemist

Not from the cool girl club and not recommended:
Eat. Pray. Love (heard good things but i can't even get past India. Will see movie though. Will never pass up Pretty Woman)


Anonymous said...

We've read a lot of the same books in my book club! Sarah's Key is coming up in a week, actually. :)

My best recommendation right now is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The first 70 pages are a little dry, but once I got past that I couldn't put it down!


Jenni said...

That's funny cuz we were going to read that one but picked a local author instead. We'll have to read that one soon.

Did you already read Sarah's Key? After reading the synopsis I knew I had to read the book to find out what happened. Curious to know your thoughts about it!

Unknown said...

I've heard The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is good, we should read that next! I like A Thread of Sky thus far (I'm on page 54).

Staci said...

There is nothing nerdy at ALL about being in a book club! (this, from the girl who's in two). We've only read a couple of the books on your list (The Help is fantastic!), so I'll have to check a couple of those out soon.

Anonymous said...

I did read Sarah's Key and I thought it was quite good! It was definitely a tragically depressing story, but despite that I was completely engrossed in it and wanted to know where the story would go. I would definitely recommend it, though I understand it's not for everyone.
