Sunday, December 05, 2010

26 weeks!!

This is definetely my 3rd pregnancy because this is the first prego picture I have 26 weeks. I reassure you lack in photos won't occur once this bambino/bambina enters our lives. Maybe not the millions I took of Lily but plenty, I'm sure.

I'm very, very, very thankful and lucky to have great pregnancies. With Harrison's pregnancy my worst complaint was due to sciatica which really wasn't that big of a deal. This time around my biggest complaint is heartburn, which again isn't much to complain about. It's not easy caring for 2 other kids being pregnant but I knew what I was getting into. I really don't have any crazy cravings either. If someone mentions Thai food I know to order it within a few days or else it will be the only food on my mind. But Thai food is delicious, pregnant or not.

So here is the belly in all it's glory 3 weeks ago...


erbiegirl said...

my beautiful friend!

Amelia said...

You look beautiful!!