Thursday, December 02, 2010

Coping with the booster seat

How does one cope with their child growing up? The pants that are too short, the shoes that squish the toes...these kinds of examples are difficult to accept but my new issue with growing up is the booster seat. How do moms and dads accept THIS change? To go from a 5 point harness (SUPER SAFE!) to a regular old seat belt????? It made me feel better to see the proud smile on Lily's face today when I picked her up from preschool and she rode in her big girl booster chair (with a NORMAL SEAT BELT) for the first time. She was SOOOOOOOO excited. But I still drove extremely slow because I'd look at her, my little girl, my first born, and she was wearing a NORMAL SEAT BELT. I would keep her in the 5 point harness until she was 65 pounds if I could BUT the stork visit in February means I need to readjust the car situation and make things a little easier. I figure if Lily can buckle herself that will be very helpful. Even though tonight as I was searching for the NORMAL SEAT BUCKLE I was totally squishing my belly trying to find it. But we'll get there.


Staci said...

I totally remember that feeling the first time Marianne buckled into her booster. They just look so naked and unsafe. But eventually you forget, and then they reach the age where can legally ride without a booster even (not that we've gone there, but legally...) and man. It's just crazy.

Of course, I remember as a kid lying in the back of our hatchback, with the back seat flipped down flat, on cross country roadtrips. So "unsafe" is a relative term.

Jenni said...

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that is freaked out by this change. It's only been 1 day but the advantages are definitely noticeable so I'm focusing on those!