Monday, November 15, 2010

To Harrison's future wife...

I'm sorry.

If Harrison continues his night and nap waking routine, than I am very sorry. This boy is a grouch. He makes Oscar (the grouch) look happy.

Proof: This morning when he came into our room around 5AM. Apparently upon climbing up into our bed there is a immediate shift in ownership. This boy thinks it's HIS bed. He grouched at me because I moved. He grouched at me because I breathed on him. He grouched at me because my blankets weren't on his feet. Oh wait, they were on his feet and that is completely inappropriate.

Harrison Grouch McGouch.

If we can make it through until 6:30 AM (when we allow him to get up) THE MOOD disappears with a little chocolate milk and a tv show. Until he wakes up from nap...

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