Monday, September 25, 2006

Another lovely weekend...

I know I usually say our weekends were nice but I really couldn’t tell you that we have any bad weekends. Weekends do not include work which pretty much means they are fun filled. Anyhow, we did have a very nice weekend. On Saturday our routine was a little messed up. Lily normally wakes up at 6AM, thanks to her parent’s work schedules, but she decided to sleep in a bit. She woke up at 6:45 only to fall back asleep while breast feeding until 9AM. This meant I was able to snooze a little longer snuggling with a warm little girl in a comfy recliner. My day was already going well. I made a warm breakfast for myself, Lily and the dogs and we played and cleaned until nap time. After nap time we went to Staci’s house and hung out with her 2 girls and Carolyn and her 3 month old girl, Emma. It’s always fun to watch Lily interact with other kids. She loves to watch them, keeping a distance while playing with their toys. Sunday was a laid back day. Our breakfast plan fell through so we hung out, played, watched football and napped. It was a gorgeous day so we went for a stroller ride and had our dinner at the park. Lily has developed a new smile for strangers. When someone says hello to her she will initially act shy and but proceed with flashing a super cheesy smile, showing all her teeth and wrinkling her nose. Of course, it melts my heart and makes me laugh out loud. Our nice elderly neighbor got a kick out of her smile. I was hoping she would smile at him since last time he came close to her she started crying.

Halloween is coming up and I am trying not to decorate too soon. I attempted to put up fake spider webs (first had to remove the real ones) but couldn’t get much done since I’m short and all of our ladders were mia. Probably a good thing since it’s only September. But I love Halloween and foresee Lily having many costume birthday parties with her parents in full costume mode. Regarding the decorations, I don’t want the cutesy decorations but I opt for the really scary kind. I want the house the kids are scared to trick or treat at. But hopefully not too scary that they don’t approach the door.

Most likely everyone that knows us knows that Randy has a major lactose allergy. Many of you probably have heard an interesting story associated with bowel issues secondary to milk intake. Lily may have an allergy, not necessarily milk since she’s tolerated a few sips here and there. It may still be dairy related because she yakked up yogurt on one occasion when given a whole baby serving and may have reacted to cheese lately. On Saturday I noticed her left lower lip was swollen when eating. A few days before I noticed a bump (like a small blister) on the same lip area after eating dinner. Both events lasted a short time with her lip returning to normal within 45 minutes or so. Still strange. I didn’t note exactly what she ate the first time but cheese is the only food I can almost definitely relate to both events. After chatting with the ped’s office we will back off on most dairy until after she’s a year old. We may do some allergy testing too but I am waiting to hear back from her doctor. Since the second swelling involved eggs (which she’s eaten, mostly yolks, on numerous occasions) she probably won’t get a flu shot. Good for her, bad for me. I hate flu shots but have been instructed to get one, especially if she cannot. I will not complain again since it’s for the well being of my daughter but I do hate shots. I loved giving them just not receiving them.

Recent Lily changes lately involve stair climbing. She amazes me with her ability to climb stairs. She’s quick and quite capable with no guidance from her parents. Of course she has no fear or understanding of the implications of going down the stairs but that’s where her parents and gates come into play. Lily is also letting go of one hand while standing. Her balance is getting better all the time but I do think it will be a little longer before she’s walking. When I walk with holding her hands she only tolerates it a short time before refusing to put weight on her legs. Lily is also into singing and dancing lately. If I am singing (likely you will never hear me, I only perform vocally for my daughter and husband) she will start making sounds to mimic me. With dancing, if she hears music, she will start moving her upper body and waving her hands. I keep telling Randy she will be a dancer but he’s pretty against it. He wants to “dork” her out as much as possible. Overalls and flannel shirts are his idea of her future wardrobe.

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