Good thing Harrison can hold his own when it comes to his big sister. Soon they will assume opposite roles and Lily will be crying for him to get off her as he's laughing away (and probably farting, being a boy and all).
Yummy carrots. He loves them so much we have to trick him with oatmeal before we give him carrots or else. Lack of clean bibs mean holiday bibs are put to use on "normal" days.
John Deere girl. Lily learning to drive at the Stock Show.
Harrison hanging (literally hanging) with momma by the rabbit exhibit.
Lily checking out the animals from afar.
It's cute to see her on her tippy toes, such independence those tippy toes bring.
Someday Randy and Lily will fight over who gets to mow the lawn. When we have a lawn big enough to require a John Deere mower. Actually I can see Randy using it on our lawn now and mowing all the neighbor's lawns too. He does that with his new snow blower, he goes up and down the sidewalks helping out the neighbors. He thinks its fun.
I too love when Delaney plays with her feet! It's so stinkin' cute... I couldn't wait for her to fine them!
What kind of sling do you use with Harrison?
As a mom to a big boy too, does it hurt your back at all?
I've used my peanut shell sling with Henry a couple of times in the past week (side sling carry) but the thing cuts me at the shoulder.
Any advice? (Other than sticking to a stroller!)
I used the Playtex hip hammock for the first time that day with Harrison. I wore it for 2 hours and by the time we got to the van my shoulder was hurting. But anything would have hurt after 2 hours and a 17+ pound baby. :) I got the hip hammock when Lily was around 13 months old and I love it. I'm excited Harrison is old/big enough to use it now.
I love Lily's pigtails at the stock show - she is so cute and does seem so big!
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