Tuesday, April 07, 2009

We hosted our first annual Easter egg hunt last weekend. We met more neighbors and the kids had a blast. Except Harrison, he woke up on the wrong side of the crib and didn't snap out of his funk the rest of the morning. We had 17 kids and over 300 Easter eggs full of candy and toys. We kept it pretty low key but maybe next year I can talk our friend, Ted, into dressing up as the Easter bunny and scaring the kids. Fun!

I didn't get a great picture of the mass of colorful eggs but at least you can see all the room to hunt...

Lily's overabundance of eggs (all the kids had this many-except for the wee ones who really didn't care)

Harrison managed to score a few eggs.

My awesome neighbor, Shauna, and her son, Vonn.

Two girls battling for the eggs (i.e. candy).

Shauna's husband, Greg, and little guy, Kingston.

Lily was quite pleased with the Easter bunny eraser

Harrison was much happier playing with his Thomas train set.

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