Wednesday, April 01, 2009

More moving news

Later this month Randy and I are traveling to Prague. Randy was invited to give a talk and I invited myself to tag along. :)

Well...instead of a vacation (for me) it's turned into a house hunting trip. Yep, that's right...we're moving again. To Prague! Randy is going to participate in a professor exchange program in Prague so we'll be there for 2 years.

We have a lot of details to work out...we now own 2 houses in 2 different states and won't be living in either, living abroad with kids, learning Czech. We think it's a great time to go before Lily starts kindergarten in 2 years so we taking this rare opportunity.

Got your passports ready??


Unknown said...

Holy cow! Wait a minute... is this an April Fool's joke?? I mean, it's believable and all, but I could see you doing a joke. :-D

Jenni said...


Unknown said...

I'm relieved! I'm hoping we can keep getting our kids together even after Audrey moves to the new daycare. :-)


You little SKINKER , you got me again, I am so thankful its a joke.