Friday, December 01, 2006

Lily got this present from my bro and sis-in-law for her 1st birthday. Not sure why it took so long for us to un-box it and put it together but this just occured last week. Lily absolutely loves it. She beams with smiles when she sees it from afar and will crawl (yes, still crawling) so fast her whole body moves like a worm. She will sit down, move around, walk around it, sit down again, sit facing the right, sit facing the left, put a foot on the seat, then sit down again, turn pages from the book, push the light that makes noise, turn the hands of the clock that leads into a song, and sit down again. This toy is also loved by her parents. She is entertained by this chair longer than any other toy she owns. It's lovely.

Parenting advice needed...besides feeding Lily one green bean at a time, any other way to teach her to eat one item at a time? She will grab as many green beans as possible in one swoop and jam pack her fist into her mouth until all green beans made it in. Then when I say "one at a time" she smiles and giggles. Making her giggle with a mouth stuffed full of food is definitely a choking incident waiting to happen. It's not just green beans it's raisins, crackers, veggie puffs, carrots, all food products.

Breastfeeding news flash---all done. I actually finished over a week ago but I just remembered to blog about it. Ya know since I haven't restricted any talk of my milk producing abilities so far, why stop now? It went better than expected and I had a rum and coke to celebrate my hard work for 13 months. Our new nighttime routine is this--put pajamas on before child escapes the room, force wiggling child to brush teeth without biting us and read 2 bedtime stories in her room with her cute, blue star night light creating a relaxing effect. Before a week ago she never sat still, especially on a lap, for a story. Now she melts into us and cuddles with her crocheted blanket and listens to the story. She will play with her blanket, putting her fingers in the holes over and over. Her normal blanket, that she loves, doesn't accompany her into bed. The crocheted blanket is more reassuring for first time parents that the holes will enable her to continue breathing when she puts it over her face, which she likes to do. After 2 stories, Randy turns out the light, I sing to her and put her in bed. Occasionally she will fuss for a few minutes but will fall asleep on her own.

Tonight will be interesting...I won't be there for the bedtime routine. Randy gets to do it all himself. I have my work holiday party tonight. I mentioned it was last night but that was wrong. Maybe I was still drunk from that rum and coke. Definitely joking on that one.

We plan to FINISH, yes finish, our holiday shopping this weekend. Soooo...we need shopping lists from a few people that have yet to give them to us and we have NO idea what to get them. You know who you are...a certain person named Joey and another one named Cheri. Doubt either read this but hey, if you know them, pass it on. :)

1 comment:

Staci said...

No great advice on the feeding question other than to practice, practice, practice. She won't learn to pace herself unless she has the opportunity. Marianne would always stuff her mouth so full she couldn't chew before finally spitting it out. Then we'd say, "just one bite" or "just a little bit" and she'd put less in the next time. Choking hazard, yes. But also a learning experience. (I wonder why my mother-of-the-year trophy hasn't arrived yet? :).