Monday, December 04, 2006

Our weekend

Friday night was my work holiday party. It was a huge success. I read holiday stories and when the kids got restless we played duck, duck, goose. We played A LOT of duck, duck, goose. Yes, I chased a bunch of kids around, in front of my co-workers. Oh well. I’ve worked here for 3 months, it’s about time they learned who I really am.

Saturday night we hosted a going away party for our friend, Ted. I’ve about had it with friends moving away. Please stop. It’s not fun, it’s not nice. The party was great and went into the early morning. Of course, we couldn’t have a party without playing Catch Phrase, guys vs. girls. Yep, probably don’t have to tell you who won, you probably already guessed right. The girls are the champions. Again.

Lucky for us, Lily slept in Sunday morning, which made our going to bed after 2AM a little easier to deal with. We actually woke up in disbelief she hadn’t woken us up yet. We dropped Lily off at Joy’s house in hopes of getting our Christmas shopping done. It didn’t happen, we are not all done. But we had fun together. We walked around the mall, got coffee and didn’t worry about changing diapers, feeding a baby, pushing the stroller around. Instead, Lily was loving life hanging with her aunt, uncle and cousins. She did throw a small fit when they wouldn’t let her stick her head through the stair railing. Then we switched kids and kid-sat while Joy and Bobby went shopping. Randy and nephew, Payton, scored tickets to the Denver/Seattle game. Not only were they free but the seats were apparently great- 40 yard line, Denver side, 18th row. Besides the 15 degree weather, Randy left a happy, happy man. He likes the Seahawks.

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