There are many questions and statements you do not make to a pregnant lady. I’m taking this time to educate the general public on the best way to approach conversation with a female and her baby belly.
Feel free to say:
When are you due? Oh, (insert month), that will be a great month to deliver.
Is this your first? Simple question, no harm done. Congratulations!
You look amazing.
Your outfit is very nice.
Do you know the baby’s gender? Oh, a boy/girl will be lovely.
Do NOT say:
You will be miserable being pregnant in the summer.
Are you sure you’re not having twins?
When are you due? Oooohhhh, I thought it was much sooner.
You’re going to have a big baby.
Doesn’t your due date feel like it’s soooo far away?
Are you just soooooo miserable?
This is pretty simple right? I know people don’t mean any harm and usually don’t think about what they say to a pregnant lady but come on. There are certain things you just don’t say. Never. Ever.
I am thrilled to be pregnant. I am thrilled to deliver in August. I grew up in SD and have been exposed to hot, HOT summers once or twice. I have air conditioning. Sure I probably will get hot but oh well. I am excited to have a newborn when the weather is still nice. I will be able to go for walks and my maternity leave will go into fall. I love fall and will love to be home during the day to open the windows and feel the crisp CO air. Sure I have pains or cramps or general feelings of fatigue but oh well, I’m growing a tiny human. I am okay with those feelings. I don’t consider pregnancy a miserable state. I LOVE IT. Please stop thinking all pregnant women are miserable and can’t wait for their due date. I’m very excited to meet out little guy but I want him to stay put…he needs to bake longer and that gives me time to prepare mentally and physically. I look forward to spending most of summer with just Lily. It’s my time to focus on her before the start of siblings enters her life.
Please don’t say silly comments, thinking you’re funny or just trying to make conversation that results in hurt feelings. I try and laugh about people’s comments but usually I would love to slap them upside the head. Especially women…that have been pregnant. I don’t care how old your kids are you should know better. Be nice.