Wednesday, August 08, 2007

No baby yet! Part IV

Where to start? So much to say but I guess that is what happens when I don't blog for almost a week. Sorry!

Last weekend...I can't remember what we did on Saturday. Oh yeah, we went to Lily's swim lesson in the morning. That afternoon after her nap she helped me make a fruit smoothie and we shared it on the front porch. That is one of our summer rituals...a fruit smoothie outside. Not only do we get to enjoy being outdoors but when she spills (if she does, which has a 95% chance of happening) the clean up involves a hose. Lily also designed her big sister t-shirt. Besides helping her put her hand and foot prints on the shirt she had complete artistic say over the rest of it. She seemed to really enjoy it and it was a good way to practice our colors. Sunday was our 7th wedding anniversary! After watching my sister-in-law kick butt in her triathlon Randy and I went out to eat and to see the Bourne Ultimatum. Great movie. I loved the first 2 so it's not surprising I would love this one.

This week our daycare lady is on vacation. On Monday Randy stayed home with Lily and not only did they get some great bonding time in but my house was spotless when I came home from work. I immediately asked him if he was interested in being a stay at home dad. It was lovely! Clean house, happy family waiting for me at home. I doubt 13 years of post-high school education means a future in staying at home but if he changes his mind I'm all for it! The money issue...well, that is a problem but we could figure something out.

On Tuesday I stayed home with Lily. I figured this is one of our last full days alone, especially in the middle of the week. We started by making chocolate chip cookies with a plan to bring some to Randy at work. Well...Lily loved helping and she was a great assistant but...she did end up with a lot of flour coating her body and the floor around her chair. So much that I think it affected the cookies cuz the first baked batch wasn't too good. She didn't mind and after cleaning off all the flour I had to clean off all the smeared chocolate. After a nice, long nap we visited Randy at his work. Lily enjoyed playing with the horribly scented dry erase markers and board. She also acted the most shy she has ever acted. Of course she had approximately 4 people staring at her the whole time. She managed a few shy smiles but otherwise dug her face into my neck or leg. I didn't mind though.

After visiting Randy, we journeyed to the mall. Our journey included a trip to Build-A-Bear. Lily helped pick out a bear for baby boy and she picked out a puppy for herself. She was a bit scared but interested in the stuffing machine but really wanted to play on the computer where you can input the bear's data...birth date, name, etc.

I know my blog has been lacking photos. Randy's computer is where we upload our digital camera and the thesis has taken full control over it. Anyhow, soon...I will get more pictures up.

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