My husband is a very good dresser. He's stylish and is more of a trend setter than a follower. He's very good with layering and putting pieces together. But...when it comes to dressing our daughter he freaks out. After he returned from launching his rocket, he re-assumed morning duties of dressing, feeding and dropping child off at daycare without any help from me since I leave for work before lil wakes up. For as long as I assisted he would plead with me to pick out Lily's outfit before I left in the morning. Now this seems like an easy enough task for normal people, but for someone who can't manage getting herself ready it's not easy. Most times he would ask when I was already 5 minutes late and running around like a nut. A few days went by when I didn't pick out her outfit and he was left alone. These days when I picked her up from daycare she would be dressed in a cute pink flowered top and pink bottoms with yellow socks. Or a purple outfit with bright green socks and a yellow onesie. I could only laugh. And I could only laugh last weekend when he picked out this ensemble. Unfortunately, the pink and blue NASA onesie underneath isn't noticeable.

In Randy's defense, I have to say that she has been dressed super cute the past 2 days. He recently bought her some clothes at H&M (super cool store)and has enjoyed dressing her in the super cute outfits.
Does anyone notice what Lily is hanging onto? Those...are plastic totes to begin my organization! That damn green exericse ball is still in the hall closet but someday all my organization will be complete. Yeah right.
Brown is the new denim! Way to go Randy! Lily will be the new trend setter in her daycare! She's a cutie! Jenni, tell me there isn't a H&M in Denver now? That's my favorite store for clothing. There is one here in Philly but I haven't had a chance to get there yet. What are you organizing in those totes? And I thought you already cooked quite a bit. Those are great resolutions. I haven't come up with any yet. What a sweet little girl she is!
I WISH H&M was in Denver! OMG! When Randy was stuck on the east coast we went to the H&M store (not sure what city). The totes are mostly for Lily's outgrown clothes and my sewing material. Right now an entire dresser is taken up by sewing stuff. Totally unnecessary. :)
But then the kicker is, where do you store the totes? I think the dresser is a convenient place for your hobby stuff. Check out for some organizing ideas. I have all my knitting stuff in totes, but then I don't know wher to hide the totes. Need more storage space. I always need more storage, no matter how much i down-size!
I think Lily looks pretty cute in her stripey tights and the rest, but then she always looks cute :).
I still pick out the clothes for both girls in the evening so Nathaniel can dress them in the morning. It's not so much the matching items issue with him, but he's so paranoid about which items are "good" clothes, so shouldn't go to daycare and get messy, and which are "play" clothes. Amazingly, every time he has to pick out clothes himself, he picks wrong and sends my favorite nice things to daycare and they come back stained. I've given up and accepted clothes-picking as my duty.
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