We are pregnant with #2! I am almost 11 weeks. Due August 18th, 2007. Now that you all know, it makes it easier to blog! I’ve wanted to say so many things about this pregnancy but didn’t want to say anything too soon. I had an OB appointment yesterday and they did an ultrasound. I got to see our little baby moving around, his/her heart beating. It was beautiful!
Randy and I have decided to find out the gender. We chose not to with Lily and it was fun to wait. Since we decided from the very beginning it wasn’t hard to not find out. Now that we are going to find out…I can’t wait! 9 more weeks seems like FOREVER! I honestly can’t say if I prefer a boy or a girl. I want a healthy baby. If it’s a girl—Lily gets a sister, close in age, hopefully to share stories/fun times with. I never had a sister and always wanted one. I was putting away some of Lily’s smaller clothes and thought to myself that if I never got to use these clothes again, I would be sad. If we have a boy---that would be great. I think boys are so fun-wild and crazy. Then we wouldn’t have to “keep trying” for a boy, although we plan to have at least another one, maybe more. We are taking it one pregnancy at a time. Although Randy has mentioned having 5 kids once, which is crazy talk. I guess as long as they fit in the mini-van it works for me.
So far so good with pregnancy symptoms. I occasionally have bouts of nausea when I don’t eat often. This is hard to fix cuz by the time I get nauseous nothing sounds good to eat. If I remember to eat something small every 2ish hours I am fine. With Lily, I had a lot of “kicks” like a Lucky Charm kick, a chocolate milk kick, etc. This time…my first and so far, only, kick is salad! Not any salad but specifically iceberg lettuce and ranch dressing, maybe a grape tomato. I’ve had a salad for over a week straight, everyday. I couldn’t be happier! I’ve never been that good with eating salad! I also have a box of chocolate that my boss bought back from Paris. I had a few pieces and it was delicious, maybe the best I’ve ever had. After the first day of eating it, I haven’t had anymore! It’s sitting right next to my keyboard and nothing, haven’t wanted to eat it. That is so cool.
Here is your first glimpse at baby #2…

No desire to eat a box of chocolates? Must be a boy...
Thank you Jenni and Randy for making me a grandma AGAIN for the third time. I waited for so long for a grandchild and now I will have three. For the first time in my life I do not have a preference as to a boy or girl. I am sooo happy with my granddaughter and grandson that it doesn't matter which comes next, I will love it with all my heart just like the other two.
Whether it's a boy or a girl, with that salad craving, maybe you'll have a vegetarian! :) I really love ultrasound pictures--it is so cool to be able to see a little bit of what's happening, like a secret window.
Congratulations Jenni! I'm so excited for you, Randy, and Lily!! :)
Hooray for babies!
Congratulations to all of you!
Baby baby baby! Hi Baby!!!! I am so excited I can hardly stay in my chair! He looks like Lily. hahahhahahahha. I'm determined to be right this time. it IS a boy....I swear. And WHO is going to throw you a shower? darn it all.....boo hoooooooo
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