Monday, April 02, 2007

April Fool's Day

Grandma Sherry caught on to the last post. She's been tricked too many times in the past and was on alert this year (not from my little bro though, he got her good). We did get Grandma Kim though. Randy just got off the phone with her after he convinced her it wasn't true. My nose piercing and Lily's ear piercings were just a fun, little, April Fool's Day joke. Heeheehaha. Not that there is anything wrong with getting ears or noses pierced. If I was 20ish and had the guts I would get my nose pierced, or more likely my tongue, cuz that is cool. I never had the guts in college and I definitely don't now. We will wait until Lily is older to get her ears pierced, if she wants them pierced. But no ear piercing for babies in this house.


Anonymous said...

ok, if i read your postings backwards i wouldn't feel like such an ass right now.

Staci said...

The earrings were actually pretty sweet on Lily... I think I'll still make the girls wait till at least 1st grade for piercings, though.

Heather said...

How'd you get the pictures to look so real? :)

I totally bought it and thought the nose piercing was really cute on you, kind of I was fooled.

I had to wait for 2nd grade for my own ear piercings. I haven't set a mental date for the bug but I agree with Staci, it will probably be some time in early grade school.

Jenni said...

Lily's earrings are magnetic so hers are close to real looking. The magnetic ones were too big for my looked pretty silly. I actually had a glittery nail sticker (don't ask why!) that I cut into a tiny circle and stuck it on. What's really funny is that I was digging the look of it and never took the sticker off. It's somewhere in our house.