Wednesday, February 28, 2007

All about Lily

Lily has starting to frown her eyebrows. She seems to know the right time to do this. Randy dropped her off at daycare and told her good bye approximately 18 times while she played but never responded to him. Finally as he was leaving she looked at him with her frowning eyebrows as if saying “You are so not leaving, are you?”
Lily says a new word every couple days. Last night she started saying Big Bird but her version was more like “boo bur.” She clearly was pointing at her Big Bird bath toy and repeating her “boo bur” after I would announce the character was Big Bird. She was very happy and clearly proud of herself.
Lily has discovered her nose contains boogers. She will stick her little finger up there, twist and turn it, and come to you to remove the sticky item from her finger. The first time I learned of this was riding in the car with her and Randy. Randy had already witnessed this and told me she was picking her nose. Then she started whining so I turned around and sure enough, she was holding her little finger, waiting for me to remove her booger.
Lily’s favorite adult book is War of the Worlds. She pretends to read it while getting her diaper changed.
Lily’s favorite food is pasta and garlic bread. She becomes a pasta sauce mess so we usually feed her pasta on bath nights. This occurred last night. She began with a plate full of carrots and proceeded to eat a plateful of spaghetti and a slice of garlic bread. Her belly was a sight to see. Randy thought it was the biggest ever.
According to our daycare provider…after Lily woke up from her afternoon nap she was talking to herself and was quite content doing so. The daycare provider finished up what she was doing and went to get Lily. Lily had taken off her socks (this is normal), unzipped her sweatshirt jacket, and taken off her pants. She’s never, ever done all that before.
Lily will lay her head down on a pillow (anytime of the day) and say “nigh-nigh”---her version of night-night.

These are just a few of recent Lily moments. She is growing up and learning so much everyday. I always considered myself a baby person. I worked in the hospital with newborns and imagined when I had a baby I would enjoy the baby stage the most. I can honestly say it just keeps getting better. I love hearing her say “mama” and reaching up with her arms saying “up” so I will pick her up. I love when I’m holding her and she pats my shoulder. I love when I’m sitting on the floor she will sit on my lap, go get a toy, return to my lap, go play with something and come back to my lap. I love when she crawls over me when I lay on the floor. I love when she kisses me (the other day she kissed me approximately 20 times!) I love when she giggles after I put her in the car seat and we play tag for a few minutes. I love when she says anything…every word is so adorable in her little voice. I love when Randy and I are chasing each other (just playing of course) and she starts laughing. I love when she grabs the cell phone and will “talk” on it while walking around. I love when we announce it’s bed time and she will start walking toward the stairs. I love when she walks away from us she will tell us bye-bye and wave backwards.

I love her more and more everyday. My wish is that everyone could experience this kind of joy in some way or another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, that seriously made me cry. beautiful. i can't wait to be a mommy.