Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My friend Kerry sends me our daily horoscopes. This is mine for today:

Stay away from the mall today. From impractical shoes to high-calorie snacks, there are too many things there calling your name -- things that you don't need in your life right now. You are at a very suggestible phase, and you could fall under the spell of something shiny and new that will only drain your bank account and leave you feeling silly. Check through your DVD collection and distract yourself by watching something you've already paid for.

I still get a kick out of the first sentence. STAY AWAY FROM THE MALL TODAY. I'm not much of a shopper in a sense of buying lots of clothes, shoes, jewerly, etc. I am a shopper in the sense of being able to spend $50-$100 at Super Target and not have a clue what I just bought. When Kerry sent the horoscope to me this morning I laughed. Haha, Randy and I just did the budget last night and there is NO way I would be spending money. Every time we analyze our budget we realize we overspend. We don't get in trouble but we spend way too much. We have bills and debt and places the money SHOULD go besides Super Target and eating out for lunches. I actually feel better after doing the budget. I like the challenge, the challenge of saving money or paying off a bill. Better yet I like the feeling of having the bill paid off completely.

After seriously months of trying to plan a lunch date I finally was able to meet Staci and her girls for lunch. I was thrilled when she mentioned Red Robin because I had $10 in Red Robin bucks (thanks to a b-day gift certificate purchased yesterday) so that meant I didn't have to use my $10 weekly allowance. Yay! Plus I have been wanting the Red Robin honey mustard chicken sandwich for a very long time. But the sad, sad ending to the lunch date/budget story is that my $10 Red Robin bucks were only redeemable after Feb. 26. Reluctantly and sadly, I used all my weekly allowance. And it's only Tuesday.


Staci said...

And the Red Robin is AT the mall. You forgot to point that out to those not from here.

But it was darn tasty. And the girls had fun.

Jenni said...

It WAS darn tasty. I also left out that I said a obscene word in front of the girls when I noticed I couldn't use my Red Robin bucks. Lucky for me (& you) that it appeared neither noticed. Sorry again!

Anonymous said...

oh nooooo...that IS terrible. and you did go to the mall, which cracked ME up! See, it told you to avoid it, because you were destined to have to spend money....