Monday, February 26, 2007

Okay, time to get my butt in gear and start posting. I thought about writing over the weekend but it never happened. Since I sit in front of the computer for 8 hours 5 days a week, the weekend is my time to escape the bright screen and computer keys.

Our weekend was filled with the usual activities of cleaning, hanging out and watching our niece play basketball. We did get together with our CA friends, Dave and Sara, that moved to CO over a year ago. We ventured down south to their place to hang out and then went to dinner. You probably don’t have to put much thought into where we went…knowing me and my recent posts. But I do have to say it wasn’t my idea…anyhow we ate at Red Robin. My usual chicken sandwich was delicious. On Sunday the house renovation bug hit us. I started the morning feeling very tired, I even laid on the couch after cooking Lily breakfast. I guess flipping those pancakes plum wore me out. Randy began fixing and trying to finish his bamboo floors and somehow it got me in the mood. Not that mood. But I started painting. I changed a few colors in our squares (if you’ve never been to our house our kitchen and family room connect but we have 2 different colors so we connected them with squares of different colors) and fixed up a few spots of trim, etc. In the afternoon, Randy played ultimate frisbee while Lily and I hung out. We never even changed out of our pajamas. It was a great day, mixed with getting stuff done that has bugged me for a while and also being lazy in the afternoon.

Randy is busy thinking of other home renovations to do with our tax return. He’d like to add a deck out back…which would be great. Our backyard is pretty pathetic. Two years ago we tried to plant some shrubs and flowery bushes but the majority of them died, mostly due to our male dog, Max, who lifts his leg on everything. So sitting on our concrete steps not only do you get a view of dead scrubs and the Dr. Seuss tree (dead pine tree thing that Randy cut off the bottom so Max could pee on it instead of the few other living trees) but you can also view the craters that Cali has dug up in the grass/dirt. It needs help…a lot of help.

We have been graced by some nice weather. The anticipated snow/rain that was supposed to hit over the past weekend missed us. The warmer weather and sunny skies have made me think a lot about the summer approaching. I am so excited to do so many new things with Lily. I picture us writing on the driveway and sidewalks in chalk, pulling her in her red wagon, playing at the playground, blowing bubbles, going to the pool and going to the zoo. I know this summer will be fun…time to spend alone with Lily before the new baby arrives.

Regarding the new baby…I am feeling great. I am very lucky to have relatively unremarkable pregnancies. Don’t get me wrong I get a queasy stomach in the beginning but my worst symptom is excessive sleepiness. Now that I’m into the 2nd trimester this is shaping up a bit. I am starting to show and had a growth spurt last week. Most of my clothes still fit but I have dipped into my maternity clothes. Mostly out of morning freak out mode when I can’t find anything to wear. When I was pregnant with Lily I battled over when to wear maternity clothes. I seemed to wait until the last possible minute and I really don’t know why. Now I’m pretty much over it. They are very comfortable clothes and well, I am pregnant so that’s a pretty good reason to wear them. I am dealing with food issues a little, most things just don’t sound very good. Occasionally I still eat my ranch, tomato, and iceberg lettuce salads and I love chocolate milk (not together!). Someone was mentioning pickles (typical prego craving) and that sounds really good right now. I think I will make a trip over my lunch break. When I was pregnant with Lily I stopped eating yogurt. It didn’t sound appealing and still doesn’t. With this pregnancy I can’t eat asparagus. I started eating asparagus about 2 years ago thanks to Pamela and her garlic butter recipe and I loved it. A few weeks ago, I knew I wasn’t in the mood for it but made it for Randy and Lily. The next morning Randy was preparing his lunch and the smell of the asparagus almost put me over the toilet. Luckily I was on my way to work and hurried out of the house. The thought of asparagus is repulsive.


Anonymous said...

How about toaster strudels, honey mustard hard pretzels, chips and guac, breakfast sandwiches...?

Jenni said...

Heehee, just had some honey mustard nibblers a while ago. Have been interested in chips and salsa and yes, definitely eating my croissant breakfast sandwiches!! But that's all snack food, I need something substantial to feel like I'm eating a bit healthier!

Staci said...

I love that you used the phrase "plum wore me out".

My biggest problem when pregnant was never craving a specific food but instead the food indifference that you mention. Nothing sounded especially good, so it was hard to find something to eat.