Wednesday, March 28, 2007

2:30AM--Randy and I heard a fairly loud thud that wakened us from our peaceful sleep. We both agreed it had to be Max, our dog, trying to get into the spare bathroom toilet bowl. Ya know, for a little middle of the night refreshment. But I felt around the bed and both dogs were sleeping peacefully. Randy and I got out of bed and started to determine what we should do. We turned on the main, very bright light, and turned off the white noise of my fan and the hallway air purifier. Randy instructed me to stay upstairs while he investigated the main floor. I grabbed my cell phone. Randy and the dogs searched the entire house and discovered the basement door was unlocked. Very uncharacteristic of us. The dining room window was unlocked. Again, very uncharacteristic, especially since we NEVER open it because it has NEVER had a screen. This adds to my panic. Randy and dogs (although they would rather be sleeping) continue to check each and every possible hiding spot but nothing. No sign of an intruder. I breathed a sigh of relief. Randy comes back upstairs and I re-check the spare bathroom. Then I ask him "Did you take down the shower mat I hung in the shower to dry?" Randy didn't not take down the hanging shower mat. So there you have it...the finale of our 2:30AM story...the shower mat fell and created the loud thud we heard. As I laid in bed, trying to get back to sleep, the only thing I could think of, with a grin on my face, was that my blog post for today was finished.


Anonymous said...

that's one heavy shower mat!

Jenni said...

Actually it is! It's huge and doesn't even fit the spare bathroom so after I tried and failed to get it to fit, I hung it up by the tiny suction cups to the side of the shower. Last night after we discovered it laying in the bathtub we both knew that was the sound. I felt much better.

Staci said...

I love that feeling after something entertaining has happened and you have a good subject for the blog.

I hate strange noises in the night.