Thursday, March 29, 2007

Who eats dirty diapers?

I have thought a bit about using cloth diapers with this new baby. Most likely I would only use them at home over my maternity leave but I'm hoping this would be 12 weeks. That is a good amount of time to help the environment, right? I haven't made the commitment yet and I am a tad hesitant because the upfront cost is expensive and I'm not great with laundry as it is. I have some researching, reading, and decision making to do.

While discussing cloth vs. disposable diapers on my favorite pregnancy website the issue of dogs dying from eating disposable diapers came up. I can't tell you how many dirty (mostly pee, but not always) diapers Max, our male dog, has eaten. TOO MANY. It's a pain in the butt cuz he leaves the diaper in itty, bitty pieces. Warning, you may want to stop reading if your tummy is queasy...he will eat out the pee which usually has soaked into the diaper well enough to saturate the inner lining which turns to gelatinous mush. Not only does he eat the majority of the gelatinous mush but this is also scattered around scene of the crime, in tiny pieces. Sure, you're probably rolling your eyes, asking why would we leave a dirty diaper laying around. That is a very good question and one that I always ask myself as I'm picking up the itty, bitty pee-soaked gelatinous mush pieces. We always change Lily on the floor, almost always in our bathroom. Usually we are always changing her outfit or getting her ready for a bath. We take the time to wrap the diaper as tight as possible but sometimes it get left on the bathroom floor. Strangely enough, Max has some superdog power to sniff out a dirty diaper from across the house, become invisible while eating the diaper, then turn back into the dorky dog with dorky puppy dog eyes while we discover his recent meal. Thankfully our female dog has no interest in eating dirty diapers. It must be a male thing.

1 comment:

Staci said...

That is so gross. Ew.