Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A story to tell the grandkids...

Since Valentine's Day was yesterday I decided to talk more about my love, Randy. I'm going to start at the beginning. Over a decade ago.

It was a hot and humid summer. I was 17, not a care in the world and working at Vanity. A fun and cool teen girl's clothing store. My paychecks were spent before I could cash them. Randy was 18 and tan. He worked at Charlie's Novelties and Beer Collectibles. Our stores were located in the same mall, 3 stores apart. I had my eye on him. I was single, no harm done. I called him my "Bud Man." Due to the beer collectible part of his job. I had to walk by his store to get to the mall food court. Of course, every time I walked by I would check to see if my "Bud Man" was working. This continued for the beginning of the summer. Then I opened my mouth. I told a co worker, we'll call her Becky, about this hot, drop dead gorgeous guy that worked at Charlie's. My co worker and possibly considered friend, Becky, said she knew him, his name was Randy. She decided to go talk with him, I thought to put in a good word for me. I am still puzzled by the following events that took place. She didn't put in any word of me, instead she bought a beer coozie and got a date with him. Yes, Randy was going on a date with Becky. Anyhow, only one date occured, thank goodness! My mind gets a little blurry, this was almost 12 years ago. I do recall walking by the "Bud Man's" store on one fateful night in June 1994, returning to Vanity from my dinner break. This dark haired and extremely tan fellow said "Hello." From there he asked me to a movie that night. I said no. Wondering why a gal would say no to a guy she dreamed about all summer? I couldn't go out on a date without preparing! I was in work clothes and work hair and work makeup. I needed time to plan! I said yes to dinner and a movie for the next night. I borrowed some clothes from my friend, Mel and met him at the mall. We ate at Garfield's, shared chicken strips and fries. Our first movie was "True Lies." If anyone has heard us talk about this night we tend to argue about what happened at the end of the movie. I'm the girl, girls remember everything. As the credits rolled and people were leaving, Randy leaned over and kissed me. Not a peck on the cheek but a full fledged kiss. It definitely took me by surprise! After that night we were inseparable. He left for college about a month later, I followed him to college a year later, we moved in together 4 years later, got married 6 years later and had a baby 11 years later. That's our story. :)


Anonymous said...


I had NO IDEA you worked at Vanity and met Randy at the mall. This brought a huge smile to my face as I spent far too many hours between 6th and 12th grade wandering around between Vanity, Maurice's, and the Buckle. The idea of both of you working retail also completely cracks me up. :) Not that you wouldn't be great at selling things, just that it's funny to think of Randy being all smooth and salesmanlike in the middle of the beer collectibles. Thanks for bringing back several memories of Southern Hills this morning!

Meredith said...

That's such a sweet story! I had no idea that you guys had known each other for so long. :)